How to maintain good oral hygiene for healthy teeth

When it comes to hygiene, we often pay attention to our bodies and our environment and it is completely necessary to do the same to protect ourselves from diseases and illnesses. But the part of our body we often forget when thinking about cleanliness is the mouth. Oral health is seldom ignored and people end up paying the price sooner rather than later. Ignorance about the benefit and importance of oral health leads to people not paying enough attention to their teeth. Dental issues like tooth decay, gum diseases are also known to cause heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and stroke.

Following certain habits that help in protecting your teeth and gums from diseases is good oral hygiene. The ability to smile, chew, speak without pain is a sign of good oral health whereas the incapacity of the same can accompany deterioration of mental health as well. Poor oral health can lead to loss of teeth, can make it difficult to eat and chew, can lower your self esteem, and in the worst case, lead to oral cancer. Hence, it becomes imperative to pay attention to oral hygiene. 

Here are a couple of tips that will help you take care of your oral health:

Basic brushing: If you want teeth that are healthy, you need to brush them regularly as it removes the food particles left stuck between our teeth and gums. These remnants, if left alone and aggregate, can cause the buildup of plaque which causes yellowness on your teeth. They are made up of dangerous bacteria which can later on transform into tartar, if untreated. If you get tartar buildup then you will have to visit your dentists in Coquitlam to treat it. Thus, make sure you brush at least twice daily to stop this from happening. More is good but twice is the minimum amount of  times you should be brushing in a day. Do it for at least two minutes, spending 30 seconds on each side. The correct technique to brush your teeth is to do it in a circular motion and with a soft bristled toothbrush. A hard toothbrush that doesn’t fit your mouth can remove the outer layer of your teeth, i.e. enamel, accelerating tooth decay. Also, make sure you brush at least half an hour before eating. Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months is also suggested.

Floss your teeth: Flossing is often neglected by the majority of people. But it can aid in the rescue of your teeth. Flossing gets to the food particles that brushing cannot reach and hence it becomes as significant as brushing your teeth. Flossing can be difficult initially but the more you practice, the better you get at it.  Flossing before brushing is said to be more efficient by dentists and can assist in preventing gum diseases. 

Limiting alcohol and tobacco: Alcohol and tobacco are connected to a lot of deleterious effects on health, including dental health. Alcohol consumption can be associated with causing periodontitis. Smoking, along with harming your lungs is also related to causing oral cancer. You must have seen plenty of visual warnings on cigarettes which ward us off of tobacco. The habit also weakens our immunity to make us more prone to gingivitis and periodontitis.

Consume enough calcium: Calcium is what makes our teeth stronger hence you need to consume food that has it like milk and dairy products. Cheese and yogurt are also calcium rich and will give your teeth and gum strength. You must also include Vitamin D in your diet because it helps your body absorb calcium. Vitamin d is present in fatty fishes like tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Stay Hydrated: Having enough water can save your teeth and maintain your oral health. This is because it manages the flow of saliva in your mouth and saliva performs the function of washing away food particles from your gums and teeth. Saliva also protects you from certain harmful bacteria that can destroy your oral hygiene. So, less water equals less saliva equals more dental issues. 

Be careful of what you eat: With so many fast foods, sugary drinks, and oven ready items available to us, it can be quite tempting to give in to them due to their taste and convenience. But you must resist consuming certain foods as they tend to stick to your teeth. Tea and coffee are not ideal for our dental health and sugary items should also be avoided. Sweets cause toothache and which also affects our ability to go on with life. Thus, desserts and drinks should be limited and not depended on for long term benefits. 

Visit your dentist: Dental checkups are mandatory to keep you abreast of any problems arising in your oral health. You don’t just need to see them when you have visible problems but have regular visits that can catch any problem early like cavities and infections and save yourself from losing your precious teeth.

Oral health should be important to people of all ages or one might end up having to pay up by getting implants and bridges to replace one’s teeth. But all we can do is maintain proper hygiene and pay attention to our dental health to give our teeth and gums a long and happy life. Be aware of any prospective problems by understanding what your mouth is feeling and do not ever hesitate to visit the dentist.
